About Us

WELDON is a leader in metal sheet manufacturing, parcel box and mailbox products.

WELDON, 16 years verified by Alibaba & BV; Alibaba trade assurance: USD235,000

We are a professional supplier of sheet metal processing in many years.

Parcel box  is one of the most important parts of our company's product system .

Our company are capable to make parcel box product size,logo,color custom and special packing forms as to make our costumer satisfied .

We are a full service quality-oriented manufacturing company serving over 300 customers with a wide range of application,from precision sheet metal to heavy plate,from custom to compete parcel box/mailbox. Our excellent engineers and skilled craftsmen work together to provide high quality custom metal products.

We have many years production experience, supply lots of famous customer in the world, especially in Europe ,Asia & North America, own very high reputation among them.Not only because of our competitive price, but our superior quality, our professional team, our excellent service.


About the Parcel Drop Box

      Before contacting the package box products, WELDON is a professional sheet metal processing factory, and has many years of experience in the design and production of server cabinets, which lays the foundation for us to quickly integrate into the package box market.
      One day, our customer brought his parcel box drawings and asked if WELDON could produce it. After receiving the customer's request, our technical department immediately entered into the discussion and made samle for the customer. After many adjustments, the customer finally recognized it .
      Since then, WELDON has started to design parcel drop boxes independently. So far, it has been able to design multiple styles according to customer needs and export them to many countries around the world.